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夺命刺客:是Michael,Carreras,Monte,Hellman导演在1974年出品的香港,英国邵氏大片影片,其主要演员有Stuart,Whitman,狄龙,Peter,Cushing,李丽丽等,主要剧情:Stuart Whitman is Shatter, an international hitman who is hiding out in Hong Kong after he has completed a contract out on an African leader. Shatter soon finds out that everyone wants him dead, including the crime syndicate, the cops and the brother of the African leader he killed. Shatter teams up with a kung fu expert (Ti Lung) to try to get the money that is owed to him. Va...
本片由神马电影院我不卡影院于2024-05-04 15:01:49从网络搜集而来,观看夺命刺客如果觉得Call Him Mr. Shatter不错的,可以继续搜索本片导演Michael,Carreras,Monte,Hellman和Stuart,Whitman,狄龙,Peter,Cushing,李丽丽等演员相关影视作品,请持续关注本站更新最新电影邵氏大片资源。